My Software Stack

By chimo on (updated on )

This is a blog post similar to My Android Stack, except for my daily-driver machine: a Dell XPS laptop running Alpine Linux. Most of those tools run in their own Incus container, because why not.

aerc + opensmtpd + mbsync
aerc is a terminal email client. I use opensmtpd to send emails and mbsync to synchronize with my mail infrastructure.
bemenu + bemoji
bmenu is a menu library, bemoji is an emoji picker that integrates with bemenu.
Terminal emulator for wayland.
grim + slurp
slurp lets you select a screen region, grim takes screenshots
CLI image viewer.
Terminal IRC Client
khal + khard + vdirsyncer
Calendar and Contacts managers for the terminal. vdirsyncer takes care of synchronizing data between my machine and my nextcloud instance.
Nextcloud CLI client. I use it with my nextcloud instance.
Terminal RSS Reader. I use it with my FreshRSS instance.
Media player (local media, YouTube, Twitch, etc.)
Keyboard-focused web browser.
Bitwarden CLI client. I use it with my vaultwarden instance.
Terminal multiplexer.
sway + swayidle + swaylock-effects
Tiling Wayland compositor and a drop-in replacement for the i3 window manager.
Terminal mastodon client.
Text editor. More info about my vim setup here.
Clipboard for wayland.
Document viewer (ex: PDF).

Recent articles from blogs I follow

I think fedizens should be able to disable replies to some or all of their posts

Every so often, there is a bit of a debate in the fediverse about whether a person should be able to make a post to which other users cannot reply. Yes, they should My view is simple: yes, they should. It is no different to running a website and not offering…

via Neil's blog December 7, 2024

Adding Encrypted Swap and a Userspace OOM-Killer

When setting up my Ideapad, I didn't configure swap because I wanted to avoid reducing the (already unknown) lifetime of it's eMMC storage. This, however, has proven to be a mistake - the Ideapad only has 4GB of RAM and I'm quite good at accid…

via December 7, 2024

Advent of Code: Day 4

Link to Day #4 puzzle.

via not just serendipity December 6, 2024