
By chimo on (updated on )

This week, I decided to try to blog more frequently. I’d like to keep that up long-term. We’ll see if that pans-out, but I think I have to try shifting how I approach writing for that to happen.

Looking at the dates on my past blog posts, I can see that I've tried to start blogging more regularly a couple of times but the streaks never lasted very long. My main reasons for not writing (blog posts, or even toots) are:

  • The feeling that I have nothing to say.
  • The things I would write about aren't unique or special in any way.
  • There are so many blogs on similar topics, with better writers.

And so, most of the blog posts on here are written mostly as notes-to-self. "I did a thing. I did it this way. This is documentation for future-self." I think writing for my future-self helps taking down some of the barriers listed above. At least the writing has some sort of purpose, if only for me. But so far it's been focused on technical topics.

I'd like to open my mind up in a similar way about non-technical topics as well. If I can keep some of the following points in mind, it might help:

  • It's okay to write about "nothing".
  • It's okay if I'm not using the exact/perfect words. Just ship it.
  • Don't write a post just to delete it before hitting "publish". Just ship it.
  • The length of a post isn't indicative of its worth; it's okay to publish a two-line random thought.
  • Not everything needs to be insightful (this blog wouldn't exist if this were a rule, hah).

I think reading more blogs in the style I aspire to will also help. So I've slowly been adding RSS feeds to my list.

Godspeed, future-self. Godspeed.

"Everything's been said before. Nothing left to say anymore."