Migrating Gitea's Database from MariaDB to PostgreSQL
By chimo on (updated on )The gitea dump
command can supposedly create an SQL dump for a different target
engine than it’s running (ex: from a MariaDB Gitea instance to a PostgreSQL
dump). However, this is
broken: “Postgres expects ’t’ or ‘f’ for boolean values or requires an
explicit cast”. The issue is closed as “stale”, but that’s the error I got.
The comments on another issue mention some success using pgloader instead.
The idea is:
- Install a new Gitea instance backed by PostgreSQL so it creates the necessary tables
- Use pgloader to copy only the data (no tables, etc.) from MariaDB to PostgreSQL
Simple, right? Well, kind of but not really.
My “load” file looked like this:
load database from
mysql://gitea:$PASSWORD@mariadb.lxc.chromic.org:3306/gitea into
with data only
For me, pgloader failed with “pgloader 10 fell through ECASE expression”. A workaround someone mentions in the thread is to edit PostgreSQL’s pg_hba.conf file so that the PostgreSQL user pgloader is temporarily using “trusted” login method and thus doesn’t need a password to connect (don’t do this if your database is, for whatever reason, accessible from the public internet…):
# Original:
# host gitea gitea md5
# Temporary:
host gitea gitea trusted
This seemed to fix the issue, however I ran into another error: “failed to find schema ‘gitea’ in target catalog”
I found a workaround/solution to this in a random pgloader Github issue. Append the following ALTER SCHEMA ‘gitea’ RENAME TO ‘public’;
load database from
mysql://gitea:$PASSWORD@mariadb.lxc.chromic.org:3306/gitea into
with data only
ALTER SCHEMA 'gitea' RENAME TO 'public';
pgloader then finally started creating tables and inserting things.
Now because my Gitea instance is a few years old and went through a several upgrades, there was a column present in one of my tables (don’t remember which) that didn’t exist in the new Gitea install (something about “old_id” or some such).
What I ended up doing was:
- Dump a copy of the current MariaDB Gitea database:
mysqldump gitea > gitea_tmp.sql
- Create a temporary database:
CREATE DATABASE gitea_tmp CHARACTER SET 'utf8mb4' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci';
- Grant permissions to the current gitea user:
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON gitea_tmp.* TO 'gitea';
- Load data in the temporary MariaDB databse:
mysql -u gitea -p gitea_tmp < gitea_tmp.sql
- Drop the offending column from the temporary database:
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;
Try pgloader with the temporary database:
load database from
mysql://gitea:$PASSWORD@mariadb.lxc.chromic.org:3306/gitea_tmp into
with data only
ALTER SCHEMA 'gitea_tmp' RENAME TO 'public';
Another thing that was wrong with my running database is the fact that I somehow had NULL values in a “NOT NULL” column (“user.keep_activity_private”) so filled those in:
UPDATE user SET keep_activity_private=1;
And… Success!